
Hello everyone! I hope you’re having a great day. I’ve…

Life Lessons: Because He’s Mine

"It [what Cor did] wasn't much, but he's just mine and I love…

Picture Time, Hoomans!

Hello Friendos! Hooman wasn't feeling well tonight--we didn't…

Service Dogs–For Better or Worse

I got to practice my servicing this week, friendos! Right, Hooman? Well,…

I was Wrong…

Hey all!  So, I am happy to report Cor proved me…

Worlds Collide

Guess WHAT, Hoomans! You know the doggy my Stupid smells…

Seizure Alert… Maybe

As I’m sure many of you know, I am training Cor to be a seizure…

Doggie Hack 3.5: Wholetones

Has music ever given you tingles before? Has the soundtrack…

5 Natural Aids for Calm Dogs This 4th!

Do you want to know something you shouldn’t overlook? If…

Debrief: Situation Normal

Hello Hoomans! I have been having a lot of fun this week!…