Cor Takes Over
Hello hoomans! I has decides I’m going to write one of deez. Hooman does it, and she does it during my nap time and–sometimes–our outside time. When we’re playing, so it’s gotta be easy, yis? Yis!
And, I did the book thing and have been telling her I has ideas for more; who doesn’t want a book by such a genius puppy writer. Dis will be easy!
So… how’s she do deez?
Well… hm.
Oh! Guess whats? Dat weird thing dat she puts on my back? It means we’re going places! So when I wants to go somewhere, I gets it!
Hooman! Put da pictures in of dat!
I has fun on the trips and found a jungle and a big forest of wheels!
Hoomans are weird, though. Whenever I go outside, one of them starts singing. I don’t get it. Hooman! Explain! Please.
Well, here’s the song:
And my explanation:
That doesn’t clear up anything.
Oh, it doesn’t?
No. Nothing. But did you realize there was so much in the world?
Mmm… you don’t say.
Oh! Oh oh oh! AND! I helps Hooman clean her room! I grabs a thing and runs around with it! Then she puts it away. She needs help getting moving in the morning. And cleaning our room. It’s messy. But don’t tell, cause I loves her anyway.
My hooman ALSO let me try some new things. I likes the one called Kay-rots. Om nom nom. She got new ones dat are long like sticks! I destroys dem! And she is FINALLY starting to understand the happiness of sticks. I know becuz she has given me some wood to chew! I like wood the bestest!
…Or maybe I like the pineapple the bestest. I don’t know; that’s the hardest choice!
But I also like snuggles. My hoomans are good at dat. Especially if the ‘venture is been a long time happenin.
But sometimes, I prefer to rahr!
And I discovered a great new game!
I think that’s its. I guess this is harder dan it looks. I guess my hooman knows more tricks dan I thought.
I lets her talk now, if she has stuff to say.
In the interest of keeping it real, yes. A certain someone has started exploring the joys of big-boy-fiesty-feelings. From asserting dominance to learning inside voices and that humans don’t like playing with teeth. 🙃 Several times in fifteen minutes, occasionally. Service 👏 dogs 👏 are 👏 not 👏 perfect 👏.
For those who come after: I have been there. I agree; it’s annoying. Just like when they almost pants you due to the doggie special jump/snap combo.
Repeat after me. He’s a puppy; he doesn’t know better. He’s a puppy; he doesn’t know better. He’s a puppy; he doesn’t know better. Better? No? Yeah, that happens. Just remember, they aren’t puppies forever. You can feel like screaming one minute and smile at their cute, derpy grin the next.
We’ve all been there.
This is normal. (At least, this has happened with all puppies I’ve had/I’ve dogsat for. So it’s either normal, or I’m doing something wrong.😬)
Puppyhood doesn’t last forever. And thank Heaven, because puppies can be punks.
But not me, right, hooman?
…This too shall pass, friend.
What? HOOMAN! You betray me! You think I’m a punk?
I think you can be, yeah. But a cute one, and that will never change how much I love you.
Power to you, fellow humans.
I think we need to talk, hooman.
I wholeheartedly agree.
💜 You were not born to fail.
I was not born to fail.
Together, we will succeed.
Just like our readers–human and doggos alike. 💜
And Cor!
Woof! 🐩
Good fun! Very clever. Thanks!!!!!!!
quite cute!
Hi it’s Brenda from I just want to say thanks Lauryn. As a service dog owner I’m enjoying your journey. Jack (my SD) is 3 and still quite the puppy but also such the tremendous help. I look forward to your posts, thanks for this
I’m glad you’re enjoying it, Brenda! I’m enjoying puppyhood, but I’m also looking forward to a less-puppy puppy. Lol!
Thanks for reading, and I hope it continues to bring you joy!