Cor Takes on Coronavirus–Week One
So the last week has been quite the year, hasn’t it? (I don’t take credit for coming up with that, but I share the sentiment.)
Cor has been well. He hasn’t had his second set of Parvo vaccines, yet, so while I have to take him out in public, his feet can’t touch the floor. Meaning I get to carry a poodle puppy around places like Home Depot and Hobby Lobby while in the middle of our current crisis.
Not the description I thought I’d grow into.
There have been a multitude of firsts for Cor this week.
First haircut–also a first for me.
First time sleeping through the night here with no potty wakeups.
First time at Hobby Lobby.
First time at Home Depot.
First experience with bubbles. (Largely unimpressed.)
First thunderstorm (that I’m aware of).
First visit to our vet.
First time touring a pet store. (Again, being carried.)
First from-home church service.
First hurt-human moment (hypermobility for the win!)
It’s been a busy week for the little guy!
It’s also been quite the experience for me. As I said, I’m becoming more of a “social media extrovert” than I ever intended to be. But, I’ve more or less accepted it and spread even further into the realm of social media.
In addition to:
And blog,
I have now extended to
•Twitter page *convulses like I need an exorcism*
So, yeah. Complete stereotype, me. 😒
You remember the thing about the pet store that I mentioned?
Yeah, so that’s a story.
Our local pet store–Pet Supplies Plus, if you know it, was having a Kong event, where however much you could fit in a plastic shopping bag, you could purchase for 25% off. Turns out, they also had reusable shopping bags of free stuff just as an added thank-you.
Also there was a table for a brand of dog food I have been looking into and researching recently and think I may love. If no deal-breakers come up (🤞) I will have a post a little later on breaking it down and why I like it so much and all the technical jargon, but, for now, I’ll just say it’s all the stuff of the high quality brands, without the high quality price. Something this penny-pincher is grateful for!!
Anyway, we talked with the man there, and he loaded us up on free samples, too!
We spent a good while in the store, and Cor was amazing and saw so many dogs and got so many toys and, yeah. That was a good day.
Not entirely sure why I told you that, lol!
I just love the people at Pet Supplies Plus. Maybe that’s why.
Look at all this!
For $63.19 total!
Not everything in this world is falling apart right now, though we are being creative with “outings” at the moment. 😁
P.S. Here are the rest of the puppy pictures!
💜 You were not born to fail 💜
Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.
These are great pictures and he looks like he is growing into a great little buddy!
Ok, he is the CUTEST!!!!